I've had a bit of a scant internet presence of late. Mostly because I'm in a period of re-adjustment and looking for work; I will not being continuing at the Royal School of Needlework in September, but I will be getting my certificate in technical hand embroidery on Monday, and perhaps more importantly, going out for dim sum and cocktails afterwards.
I am not a natural optimist. I am also aware of the jobs market at the moment, which is particularly disheartening when applied to the arts.
There doesn't seem to be much else to do than to face my situation with my trademark self-deprecating humour, and the determination to make something of myself.
Even the bleakly humorous bunting I made to "celebrate" this recent development didn't turn out as planned; it was far too big and unwieldy to rig up inside, and once outside the letters spun around in a pleasing but ultimately illegible manner.
It's true though; it could be much, much worse, and that at least is something to celebrate.
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